(Topical Antiseptic Spray) 
2 oz
Description:  OXY-Derm: A convenient first aid
spray for all kinds of skin irritations including
scrapes, scratches, cuts, bruises, burns, bites,
wounds, cold sores, and blisters. Spray frequently
as needed on the affected area for soothing relief. 
PROPERTIES: Anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory,
antiseptic, astringent, cooling, vulnerary.

  OXY-DERM : The beneficial properties of OxyLife are innumerable. It is extremely beneficial for topical applications including mild to severe skin conditions. Much of the pain associated with skin trauma including burns, is from bacteria and infection.OXY-DERM promotes healing and helps to reduce pain by controlling infection.
  VEGETABLE GLYCERIN : A soothing vegetable oil that helps to promote healing and reduce inflammation.
  ALOE VERA : The most widely used herb for skin conditions controls fungal infection and promotes healing anti-inflammatory.
  MARIGOLD (CALENDULA OFFICINALIS) : Especially benefits the skin and controls bleeding reduces inflammation, heals     damaged or irritated tissues.
  NEEM (AZADIRACHTA INDICA) : Clears toxins and promotes healing, reduces inflammation.
Red Alder (Alnus glutinosa), an astringent herb that encourages the healing of damaged tissues.
  OLD MAN'S BEARD (USNEA SPP.) : Excellent for fungal, viral and bacteria infections, increases resistance to colds and       influenza.
  ECHINACEA (ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA) : Promotes healing, has antiviral and antibacterial effects.
  GOLDENSEAL (HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS) : Checks bleeding and reduces inflammation, effective against bacterial              infections.
  PURPLE LOOSESTRIFE (LYTHRUM SALICARIA) : A highly astringent, antibacterial herb, soothes irritates tissues and          controls bleeding.
  CORYDALIS (CORYDALIS SOLIDA) : A pain killing herb that stimulates circulation, anti-inflammatory.
  CALIFORNIA POPPY(ESCHSCHOLZIA CALIFORNIA) : Relieves pain, relaxes spasms.
  TEA TREE OIL (MELALEUCA ALTERNIFOLIA) : Antiseptic, effective against bacterial and fungal infections.

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